Whilst it looks like the cost of energy isn’t going to come down any time soon you might be surprised to learn that there are ways to reduce to cost of your energy bill without having to take drastic and expensive measures. In fact, implementing just a few small things could have a big impact on the monthly and annual costs of heating your home.
1. Adjust thermostat by one degree
Unbelievably, turning down your thermostat by just one degree could reduce your energy bill by 10%! That is a significant saving for an adjustment which the majority of people wouldn’t even notice.
2. Eliminate draughts
Draughts are notoriously problematic when it comes to heating your home. Wasted heat escapes through gaps around windows and doors; if you have a smart heating system this means your radiators and thermostat will be working overtime trying to keep an even temperature or if not you might find yourself constantly going to adjust the temperature to try and make the house warmer. Draughts can easily be eliminated; you can seal up gaps, close doors during the days and draw your curtains at night and even buy a draught excluder to place in front of doors as well.
3. Buy electric radiators
Switching to electric radiators really could help you save money on heating your home. There are many great companies which provide and install electric radiators in the UK many of which use clever technology allowing them to heat your home in half the time traditional radiators do as they have been created out of materials which conduct heat better, require a highly accurate thermostat system meaning no energy is wasted, and a digital system allowing you to specifically set times when you wish the heating to come and times when you don’t.
4. Check your water temperature
Many people don’t even think to alter the temperature of their water but this is a great way to knock some money off your heating bill. Lots of people actually have their water temperature set way too high (think about the last time you ran a bath; how much cold water did you have to add? This is a good indication of whether your water temperature is too high or just right) and for no need at all. Just adjusting it by a few degrees could have a good impact on how much you pay for heating.
If you have implemented these steps and you still think you are paying too much for your heating then be sure to check around with different energy providers, you might find that you could make a decent saving just be switching to another provider. Ask friends and neighbours how much they are paying for their heating and that should give you a good idea of whether you are paying too much or the right amount.
If you would like to know more visit Designerradiator.
1. Adjust thermostat by one degree
Unbelievably, turning down your thermostat by just one degree could reduce your energy bill by 10%! That is a significant saving for an adjustment which the majority of people wouldn’t even notice.
2. Eliminate draughts
Draughts are notoriously problematic when it comes to heating your home. Wasted heat escapes through gaps around windows and doors; if you have a smart heating system this means your radiators and thermostat will be working overtime trying to keep an even temperature or if not you might find yourself constantly going to adjust the temperature to try and make the house warmer. Draughts can easily be eliminated; you can seal up gaps, close doors during the days and draw your curtains at night and even buy a draught excluder to place in front of doors as well.
3. Buy electric radiators
Switching to electric radiators really could help you save money on heating your home. There are many great companies which provide and install electric radiators in the UK many of which use clever technology allowing them to heat your home in half the time traditional radiators do as they have been created out of materials which conduct heat better, require a highly accurate thermostat system meaning no energy is wasted, and a digital system allowing you to specifically set times when you wish the heating to come and times when you don’t.
4. Check your water temperature
Many people don’t even think to alter the temperature of their water but this is a great way to knock some money off your heating bill. Lots of people actually have their water temperature set way too high (think about the last time you ran a bath; how much cold water did you have to add? This is a good indication of whether your water temperature is too high or just right) and for no need at all. Just adjusting it by a few degrees could have a good impact on how much you pay for heating.
If you have implemented these steps and you still think you are paying too much for your heating then be sure to check around with different energy providers, you might find that you could make a decent saving just be switching to another provider. Ask friends and neighbours how much they are paying for their heating and that should give you a good idea of whether you are paying too much or the right amount.
If you would like to know more visit Designerradiator.
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